General Cardiology Consultation

Dr Thakersee provides general cardiology consultations at his practice at Melomed Gatesville. Dr Thakersee has amassed a great deal of knowledge and experience during his many years as a doctor serving in the local community. He knows how to communicate with patients and tactfully put them at ease.

At the appointment Dr Thakersee gets to know his patients and will note and thoroughly review their medical history. He will assess the risk factors contributing to their heart condition including their family history, their age and lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, stress and drug or tobacco use. Weight, blood pressure and heart rate will be checked and an electrocardiogram (ECG) will be done. Dr Thakersee will review the information given, the results of patients tests will be evaluated and discussed, and the options for treatment will be explained. Dr Thakersee will answer all patients cardiac related questions or concerns.

Dr Thakersee performs clinical assessment and testing, such as ECGs, stress ECGs, Echo/Colour/Dopplers studies, 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring. If a procedure is required for further testing and/or treatment, Dr Thakersee can provide invasive and minimally invasive surgical services in Melomed’s well appointed, well equipped modern facilities.

The conditions Dr Thakersee treats most often include:

  • Acute coronary syndrome/unstable angina
  • Heart attack/Myocardial Infarction
  • Hypertensive heart disease
  • Pericardial disease including HIV related pericarditis
  • Congestive cardiac failure with dilated cardiomyopathy and HIV-related cardiomyopathy
  • Rheumatic valvular heart disease
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Atrial fibrilation/irregular heartbeat/arrhythmia

If a patient is in need of the services or expertise of another specialist, Dr Thakersee will refer them to the highly capable multi-disciplinary teams available at Melomed Hospitals.

To find out more, contact Dr Thakersee or send a message